Core Strength? NO, NO, NO! 3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution core stability core strength Jan 08, 2023

Well, not yet anyway!

When it comes to improving the health and function of your core muscles, it is important to understand the difference between core stability and core strength. These two concepts are often conflated, but they are actually quite distinct from one another.

Core stability...

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Look after yourself 3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainsolution longlife Dec 18, 2022

The picture you see is a toaster my wife and I received as a wedding gift over twenty years ago. 

This toaster is well used and also well looked after. As such it has lasted this long. If you look after your things, they serve you well and last a very long time.

I’m sure, if 20 years...

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Inflammation 101 3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainsolution inflammation Dec 11, 2022

The term inflammation is often misunderstood.

The majority of people consider inflammation as 'swelling', but this is only part of it.

So, what happens in our body when we get injured? There are many types of injuries that can occur to our musculoskeletal system. The most common are as...
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Make your Bed! 3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainsolution positivemind Dec 06, 2022

Make your bed!

Do you remember your mum saying every morning “make your bed young lady,” or “make your bed young man”?

Well, wether you mum had an insight into positive mindset or she was simply passing down family traits, there is so much benefit to making your bed.


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Do you want to just manage back pain or do you want it to get better? 3stepsoulutiontoabetterback backpain backpainsolution Nov 27, 2022

An interesting question, but in reality, and shockingly, 95% of people will opt to just manage back pain.

It takes quite a bit of effort to change and generally, people don't like change, even it it means living with pain, avoiding things they want to do, waking with stiffness every morning,...

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Should I keep moving if I have back pain? 3stepsoulutiontoabetterback backpain backpainsolution Nov 20, 2022

It is mostly common knowledge now that being sedentary is harmful, unhealthy and a detriment to recovering from back pain. I whole heartedly believe this, however, I think the health profession has sometimes taken this too far, insisting that people keep moving throughout, whilst not explained...

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How your mind can help you overcome back pain 3stepsoulutiontoabetterback backpain backpainsolution positivemind Nov 13, 2022

Your mind is powerful. If your thoughts, actions and words are of a defeated, negative nature, it is likely this will relay to other areas of your life and even your body. If your thoughts, actions and words are more of a successful and positive nature, then it is likely this will...

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Why back pain can give you opportunities for better health backpain backpainsolution Nov 07, 2022

Have you heard it said that opportunity often comes from tragedy? Well Sometimes the opportunity for better health can come from what seems to be a tragedy of back pain.

If you have suffered from back pain, acute or chronic then you would know how debilitating it can be and how a cascade of...

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How your diet can be making your back pain worse backpain nutrition Nov 01, 2022

We are what we eat!

This statement rings a lot of truth. We eat food so our body can be provided with energy and nutrients, to not only survive, but to repair from injury, recover from overuse and to thrive.

Despite the fact that our body is such a marvellous design that can adapt and overcome a...

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Stretching could be making your back worse! backpain stretching Oct 26, 2022

Movement is good for our body and we have been constantly told that flexibility is good...but is it?

Firstly we need to understand that there is a huge difference between being flexible for flexibility's sake and being flexible for our functionality. We can often be encouraged by professionals...

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