Should I keep moving if I have back pain?

3stepsoulutiontoabetterback backpain backpainsolution Nov 20, 2022
Should I keep moving if I have back pain?

It is mostly common knowledge now that being sedentary is harmful, unhealthy and a detriment to recovering from back pain. I whole heartedly believe this, however, I think the health profession has sometimes taken this too far, insisting that people keep moving throughout, whilst not explained this appropriately to them when they are suffering from back pain.

There is a time to rest, a time to recover, a time to mobilise, and a time to exercise. Rest is totally appropriate at the right stage of someone's recovery. For example, if you have had severe back spasm - when your back goes on you - you will understand what I mean. There is no way on God's earth that you could do exercise or any type of movement for that matter.

At these times, your body is in super-overprotective mode and any type of movement is impossible and likely harmful. But, I have heard practitioners prescribing walking and even stretching for people in this predicament.  No! Rest, ice (used appropriately), and if possible gradual progressions of very small movements. We need to settle this overprotection and very gradually ease our way to movement again.

Once we have settled, then we can progress with improving movement, stability and strength but, if you re-injure your back, for whatever reason, you must settle/rest it again. Don't push through.

So, to answer the question. No, you should initially rest, but aim to progress movements as and when appropriate.

In good health,

Dr Matt Hempsell (Fit Pro, Osteo, ST, Edu)

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