Make your Bed!

3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainsolution positivemind Dec 06, 2022
Dr Matt Hempsell - Blog

Make your bed!

Do you remember your mum saying every morning “make your bed young lady,” or “make your bed young man”?

Well, wether you mum had an insight into positive mindset or she was simply passing down family traits, there is so much benefit to making your bed.

I often talk about mindset and how important it is in being free from back pain, but where does one start with it?

I believe small daily changes are the answer to introducing a mindset shift to lay a foundation to change your path forever.

In relation to suffering with back pain, that means creating small daily habits that will eventually become an automatic part of life. You won’t even notice these things, but what you will notice is, you won’t be focused on back pain and avoiding what you will have freedom to do again.

So, to begin, make sure you do the following every day:

  •  Make your bed every day
  •  Brush your teeth every day
  •  Get dressed every day
  •  Be grateful, thank God for every day. Treat every day as a new opportunity to get better at something.

These things are a positive start to each day.  They are small achievements which you can manage to complete.

If, for whatever reason you do nothing else in that particular day, at the very least, you have been grateful, you have nice breath and you get to go to sleep that night in a freshly made bed.

Try it, these small things make the most dignified isn’t differences in your life, and if you are already doing these things, well done! You have the foundation to progress further into freedom from the cycle of back pain.

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