How your diet can be making your back pain worse

backpain nutrition Nov 01, 2022

We are what we eat!

This statement rings a lot of truth. We eat food so our body can be provided with energy and nutrients, to not only survive, but to repair from injury, recover from overuse and to thrive.

Despite the fact that our body is such a marvellous design that can adapt and overcome a myriad of abuse, in the long run, if we continue to put crap into it, It will eventually decline in all its abilities to overcome, and eventually break down. Body break down is a slowly naturally occurring phenomena, but it is sped up by poor diet, and equally slowed down by a healthy diet. Ideally, we eat healthy all the time, so our body is prepared for any eventuality that may pass it's way.

If we injury and/or overuse our body, it is imperative we feed it the best fuel. If not, we are drastically reducing its ability to perform its natural healing, prolonging the process and setting our body up to fall into a cycle of pain.Some health eating tips below

Some simple tips for healthy eating

  • Drink water! Keep hydrated. little and often, say a small glass every 30mins. If you body is not used to it, you will initially be on the loo a lot, but after a week or so, your body adapts and uses more of the water you are putting.
  • Reduce carbohydrates: Carbs are generally inflammatory in their nature. Reduce these as much as possible in all meals. We really don't need them, because basically, they are sugars and there is very little good about sugars.
  • Eat good quality protein: Protein is essential to life and eating good quality protein such as; grass fed organic meats, organic free-range eggs, organic nuts and vegetables is the best way to provide your body with the best.
  • Eat lots of fresh salads and vegetables often and all the time. This should go without saying!
  • Reduce dairy. Another food that can be inflammatory.
  • Reduce alcohol, inflammatory, inflammatory, inflammatory. Sorry! This is a big factor in my eyes and I believe is a thorn in many sides with regard to slowing recovery/overcoming pain and dysfunction

PS: I have a 12-week coaching program designed to help back pain sufferers recover and thrive so they can move with confidence and get back doing the things they love. If you are keen to know more, book a free Discovery Call with Matt now 

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