How your mind can help you overcome back pain

3stepsoulutiontoabetterback backpain backpainsolution positivemind Nov 13, 2022

Your mind is powerful. If your thoughts, actions and words are of a defeated, negative nature, it is likely this will relay to other areas of your life and even your body. If your thoughts, actions and words are more of a successful and positive nature, then it is likely this will relay to other areas of your life and your body.

This is often difficult when suffering with back pain, or any longer-term pain for that matter, because persistent pain is pressing, unrelenting in nature and has a way of bringing us down creating uncertain and negative thoughts.

But, there is 'Good News'. Your mind is equally powerful to reverse negative thinking, words and actions, which if practiced, in time, will change your mental approach to back pain and your ability to recover.  This will help to reduce the burdens and present a brighter outlook for you. I am not suggesting that by simply change your thought patterns you will all of a sudden have no back pain, but as part of a successful rehabilitation process, the mind must be considered and attended to.

"Words kill, words give life; they are either poison or fruit - you choose" Prov 18:21. Avoid saying and thinking negative things about your body. Don't own back pain.  Stop saying things like -'my bad back,' or 'I have a bad back' or 'I cant do that because of my sore back'. Don't own this pain. Instead, acknowledge you have back pain if it is sore, but begin to believe that it will get better. I don't want you to ignore it, but simply don't own it. Change the way you speak about yourself. Once you make a decision to do this, I assure you, this, coupled with a specific successful program will assist in you overcoming back pain.


PS: This advice is general and for the purpose of a simply creating a positive mindset in helping to overcome back pain. It is not specific psychological advice.  For specific psychological assistance, seek help from a registered psychologist.

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