Do you want to just manage back pain or do you want it to get better?

3stepsoulutiontoabetterback backpain backpainsolution Nov 27, 2022

An interesting question, but in reality, and shockingly, 95% of people will opt to just manage back pain.

It takes quite a bit of effort to change and generally, people don't like change, even it it means living with pain, avoiding things they want to do, waking with stiffness every morning, avoiding standing for any length of time, bracing to stand up after sitting, avoiding activities and much more. Seriously, when you look at it that way, why wouldn't you change?

Only 5% of people are proactive enough to take the steps to change. Change their routines, change their mindset, change their eating habits and adapt new ways to provide their body with the best opportunity to improve it's health and be rid of back pain forever.

One of the first steps you can take to begin to overcome what's holding you back is to make a decision to change. When we decide to make a proactive change in our lives, something wonderful happens. Because of this positive action, we begin to feel better. Not only about ourselves but physiologically, our pain somewhat reduces.  It's like having a toothache. When you make the decision to call the dentist and  make an appointment, quite often, by the time you get there, your toothache has reduced.

If you would like some positive help and advice to make a positive change in your life, book a call with me and we can run through how I can help you overcome back pain and live a healthier life.

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