Look after yourself
Dec 18, 2022The picture you see is a toaster my wife and I received as a wedding gift over twenty years ago.
This toaster is well used and also well looked after. As such it has lasted this long. If you look after your things, they serve you well and last a very long time.
I’m sure, if 20 years ago we stuck this toaster in the cupboard and forgot about it, it would have likely seized by now and become useless. It needs to be used.
Same goes with our body. We need to move it, we need to use it and, we also need to look after it. If we do, it will serve us well for many, many years.
So what’s the best ways to look after it?
- A positive and balanced mindset
- Regular movement - knowing when to rest, when to move and when to progress
- Good hydration
- Good nutrition
- Regular progressive activity
- Be happy
By doing these things, you can be just like our toaster and have a long, happy and healthy life.
Want to know more? Wherever you are in the world, I cover this topic and much more in my 12-week online program, where I help motivated over 30’s become free from the cycle of back pain so they can move with confidence, lose weight and improve their health to get back to doing the activities they love to do.
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