The importance of Balance for good health

backpain backpainfreedom balance metabolic health proprioception Apr 23, 2023

Proprioception is the sense that allows us to perceive the position, movement, and force of our own body parts. It is a critical component of balance and body awareness, and plays a huge role in maintaining good health.

Proprioceptive balance, in particular, refers to the ability to maintain balance and stability through the coordination of sensory information from multiple sources, including vision and the vestibular system (ear).

This is essential to good health for several reasons.

  • First and foremost, it is a fundamental aspect of mobility and physical function. Without good proprioceptive balance, we are at increased risk of falls, which can result in injuries and even death. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death in older adults, and improving proprioceptive balance can help reduce this risk.
  • Proprioceptive balance is also crucial for athletes and individuals engaged in physical activity. Good proprioception helps athletes perform better by improving their ability to control movements and adjust their body position, particularly during high-intensity movements. It also helps reduce the risk of injuries, particularly those related to twisting or landing awkwardly.
  • Beyond the physical benefits, proprioceptive balance is also essential for mental and emotional well-being. Proprioceptive feedback plays a role in regulating emotions, reducing anxiety, and improving mood. Research has shown that proprioceptive training can help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms in individuals with mental health conditions.

Improving proprioceptive balance can be done through various exercises and activities. Mind-body exercises are particularly effective at improving proprioceptive balance. These exercises involve deliberate movements that require a high degree of body awareness and coordination. Balance training exercises, such as standing on one leg or using balance boards, can also improve proprioceptive balance.

Balance in all it's forms is covered in-depth on my 12 week online coaching program - 3-Step Back and Body Transformation. Click this link to schedule a free phone or zoom conversation with Matt Hempsell to discuss how the program can help your individual needs by transforming your back and body and getting you back doing the things you love to do.

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