STOP going to the gym!
Apr 09, 2023If you have ongoing back pain, whether that be anything from a niggle to a severe issue, STOP going to the gym, stop exercising and listen carefully!
Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe exercise is beneficial for health; mental, social and physical BUT if you have any type of ongoing back pain you must:
Then, and only then, you should get back to the gym. But this time, without back pain.
By continuing exercise through pain, stiffness and dysfunction (albeit sometimes minor), you are trying to build strength and fitness on a poor foundation and this, unfortunately will not cease. You will have moments of feeling good, but then you will do something where you will re-aggravate again. This cycle is likely to continue unless you follow the above advice.
I am not suggesting you do nothing. Movement is still key in back pain recovery, but what you are doing is not working. By stopping activities that are preventing full recovery, such as gym, golf, running and more, and performing a calculated system to reset and rebuild, you can finally overcome back pain for good.
The difficult thing is, finding someone who is capable and willing to guide you through these steps. Well, you’re in luck. I am and I have the experience, knowledge and motivation to help you.
For much less than the cost of an annual gym membership, in 12 weeks I can help you transform your back and body by breaking you free from the cycle of back pain, losing weight and improving your overall health.
So, stop what you are doing, arrange a free online consultation with me and begin your journey to a better back and body.
If you haven’t already, download my free e-guide - 7 daily habits for a better back. Click here to download
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