Mattresses and Pillows...Do I need new ones?

3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution mattress pillow Jan 23, 2023

I often get asked what type of mattress and pillow I recommend.

Well, I don’t!

People who often wake up stiff in their back or neck blame their mattress or pillow.  Although it seems logical, it is often not the mattress or pillow that is the reason for waking up stiff.  It is more often what has occurred the day(s) before that is the reason.

Back to the inflammatory process in our body.  If we injure, strain, niggle, aggravate or re-aggravate something in our body, if it is relatively minor, we may not notice it at the time, because when we are moving about our circulation is moving about too, not giving any inflammation a chance to stay in one area.

BUT when we sleep, our metabolism and circulation reduces, and any inflammatory response (pain, swelling, spasm) to an aggravated area stagnates, hence stiffness when turning in bed or when getting up in the morning.

So, don’t jump at changing your mattress or pillow first. Obviously, if your mattress is 20 years old and decrepit, or if your pillow is a pancake, then yes, look at changing them.

BUT, for the most part, first look at dealing with:

✅ Settling the inflammation

✅ Mobility

✅ Stability


Getting you back to full function.

If you haven’t already, download my free e-guide - 7 daily habits for a better back, click this link to download.

My online program - 3-Steps to a Better Back - is due to start in mid-Feb.  If you’ve been considering taking the step to break free from the cycle of back pain, lose weight and live a healthier life, time is running out! click this link to arrange a quick chat with me to see if you are the right fit to join.


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