Foundations are the key!

3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution foundations Feb 27, 2023

🧱 Foundations are extremely important in nearly every aspect of life.

πŸ’ͺ🏻 If we don’t have solid, strong and versatile foundations, then we are literally operating on unstable ground and metaphorically speaking, likely to fall, collapse, stumble, trip etc.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» In relation to our body, me must build on foundations that are already there (if they are appropriate), and/or create or re-create new foundations to build on. We must also be prepared to dig-up and scrap existing foundations if they are inappropriate.

πŸ‘πŸ» I hope you get the metaphorical gist here!

Foundations are essential to gain many health benefits. We must have solid foundations for:

βœ… Metabolic flexibility as a foundation for metabolic health and more

βœ… Fibre as a foundation for microbiome health and more

βœ… Mobility as a foundation for flexibility

βœ… Stability as a foundation for strength

βœ… And many more

These foundations are sometimes not clear and it takes someone with experience to detect, adjust and lay them down appropriately and specific to your individual needs.

If you haven’t already, download my free e-guide - 7 daily habits for a better back. Click the link in my bio  / click the link below to download - 

☎️ My online program - 3-Steps to a better back and body - is starting in 2 days. If you’ve been considering taking the step to break free from the cycle of back pain, lose weight and live a healthier life, there is still time! Click the link in my bio / click the link below to arrange a quick chat with me to see if you are the right fit to join.

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