Do the activities you enjoy and stop doing what you don’t!

activities enyoy yourself May 14, 2023

I am amazed by the amount of people who I come across who are doing activities that they think are ‘good’ for them or they think they ‘should’ do but when I ask them if they enjoy what they are doing, there is often a ‘NO!’

Activity is good for you but not at the detriment of your enjoyment.   If you do not enjoy the activity you are doing, change what you are doing and do something you enjoy. If you don’t know what that is, then find out! Explore different activities or sports and endeavour to find your niche.

If you enjoy the activities you are doing, you are more likely to:

  • Keep doing it
  • Get fitter
  • Feel more content
  • Be happier

It really is that simple, and quite seriously, if you don’t enjoy what you are doing and consider what you are doing as a chore, you are more likely to:

  • Lose enthusiasm
  • Plateau and reduce fitness
  • Not be content

So, yes, exercise is important for our health, but activities you enjoy is more important.

All this and more in my 12-week coaching program where I help 35’s to 65’s transform their back and body but breaking free from the cycle of pain, reducing inflammation and achieving optimal health. To find out how I can help you click here to arrange a chat with me and begin your journey to a better you.

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