Body Awareness!

Mar 05, 2023

Body awareness refers to the conscious perception and understanding of one's own body, including its physical sensations, movements, and position in space.

It involves being able to focus attention on different parts of the body and being able to differentiate between different physical sensations such as pain, tension, and relaxation.

Body awareness can be developed through practices such as meditation or other forms of mindful movement.

Developing body awareness can help you improve your physical posture, movement, and coordination, as well as reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

This is such an important aspect of health.

If you have good body awareness, you are able to sense and detect;

  • Reactions to foods that may not be great for you
  • Risks to potential injury and avoid them
  • How to re-set your body to a better place

If you have poor body awareness, you are likely to;

  • Fly blind, eating foods that your body may be responding negatively to
  • Become injured and re-injured frequently
  • Remain with chronic stiffness and pain without a way out

Seek body awareness and build gradually to improve your mental and physical health.

If you haven’t already, download my free e-guide - 7 daily habits for a better back. Click this link to download. 

In 12 weeks or less, I help you to transform your back and body by breaking free from the cycle of back pain, lose weight and live a healthier life. Apply online today! 



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