Alcohol...losing flavour or not?

3stepstoabetterback alcohol backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution metabolic health Mar 19, 2023

Lets face it. Alcohol is an integral part of our society with social, financial and tax implications that will unlikely see it ever being excluded.

However, it it were an illegal drug in our society right now, there is no way it would be made legal due to it’s complex and multifaceted problem that can take many forms, including addiction, health problems, and social issues.

A vast number of people in society can ‘handle’ alcohol and implement it sparingly in their social lives, however there is a massive number of people who suffer with addiction, whether that be a one-drink-a-day habit or a more severe reliance on drinking too much too often.

Here are some statistics related to alcohol issues in Western society:

  1.  Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) affects about 14.5 million adults in the United States (6.2% of the population) in any given year. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2019)
  2.  In 2019, 25.8% of people in the United States reported binge drinking in the past month, and 6.3% reported heavy alcohol use in the past month. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2021)
  3.  In the United Kingdom, alcohol-related harm costs the NHS £3.5 billion each year. (Alcohol Change UK, 2021)
  4.  In 2019, alcohol was a factor in 30% of all driving fatalities in the United States. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2021)
  5.  In Australia, alcohol is responsible for 5,500 deaths and 157,000 hospitalisations each year. (Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, 2021)
  6.  Alcohol consumption is responsible for an estimated 7.4% of all deaths and 4.6% of the burden of disease and injury in Europe (World Health Organisation, 2018)
  7.  Alcohol use is the leading risk factor for premature mortality and disability among people aged 15-49 in high-income countries. (The Lancet, 2018)

Alcohol issues are a significant problem in Western society, affecting millions of people and costing billions of dollars in healthcare and other related expenses.

Negative Health Implications:

  •  Increased Risk of Cancer
  •  Cardiovascular Health
  •  Liver Damage
  •  Immune System
  •  Mental Health

Negative Social Implications:

  •  Risky behaviours
  •  Violence
  •  Addiction
  •  Family and Relationship Problems
  •  Economic Burden

Avoiding alcohol in it’s entirety, in my opinion is obviously best and having done this for over five years, I sincerely believe this to be the best decision of your life, both for health and social aspects. However I also understand the social pull and importance it can place on one’s social life.

What is really good to see is the major alcohol suppliers in Australia, the UK and the US are providing increasing numbers and varieties of non-alcoholic beverages that are actually quite nice!

If no total absolution, then I strongly suggest drinking in moderation and only intermittently in social settings.

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