Just Walk!

3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution walk walking Feb 20, 2023

🚶We often beat ourselves up for not doing enough activity or we have some kind of wrong belief in our heads that if we don’t do enough exercise, we will put on weight.

👉🏻 We need to get these beliefs out of or minds. Yes, we need to exercise, it is exceptionally beneficial for our health in many ways, but by focusing on trying to push ourselves is often the wrong attitude, and losing weight is mostly to do with what and when we eat, not how much we exercise (although exercise does play a part).

🥇 Firstly, It is a given…we need to exercise! Or body benefits so much from activity, even the slightest of movements. For the benefit of our metabolic health (our health at a cellular level), this is definitely the case. Research has shown that even moving our calfs up and down when seated can reduce our blood sugar levels by 30% after a meal.  That’s incredible.  The same research has shown that by walking after a meal can reduce our blood sugar levels by 50%…even more incredible!

👍🏻 This is why I want to encourage you to walk.  If your back is sore, go for a stroll instead.  Please do not push it. If you have an injury or aggravation, go easy and follow steps of recovery first.  Walking 30 minutes 5 x / week can be of incredible benefits to our cardiovascular system.

🧘🏼 Walking also has a huge benefit to our psychological health. Not only is our circulation moving better when we walk, pushing fresh blood through our brain and refreshing it, but walking often gives us clarity to think and not dwell.

🌞 Getting out in the light is also of great importance. I spoke about lux (light levels) in a previous blog about sleep and circadian rhythms. Light re-sets our body clock and by simply being in direct sunlight in the morning resets this clock, bringing our body into balance.  When our body is in balance, our cells function better, our systems function better and our health improves…Simple as that!

💪🏻 So, walk often. After a meal is good, but anytime.  Get out there and walk.

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My 12-week program starts on March 1st. It is designed to help over 30’s transform their back and body by breaking free from the cycle of back pain, losing weight and achieving optimal health so they can move with confidence again.

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